Yesterday, after reading a magazine article about using gift cards and reloadable visas as budgeting tool, I was excited to try this new technique and vow to never use the embarrassing envelope system again. My plan was to purchase of grocery store gift card (which can be reloaded) for our monthly budget allowance, and then purchase reloadable visas for such things as dining out, clothing, gas, etc. (one for each category). I went online this afternoon and purchased a gift card for Publix, and then started to look for the visas. Unfortunately, I was unprepared for the small print on reloadable visas and debit cards! Please read the fine print in terms and agreements and thoroughly research the possible fees! I've attached a helpful article on the matter. If anyone knows of any "good" options for these cards, please let me know. It was a wonderful idea, but too good to be true.
It is possible to purchase gift cards to specific stores for budget items. For example, your favorite hardware store for home repairs or a department store for clothing; however, this does not allow for better prices at other stores....