Friday, October 30, 2009

Health Update

I'm am currently day 21 post-op and feel wonderful! Well, except for abdominal pains when I overdo things. Lately, I have a renewed sense of creativity and emotional energy (physical energy will hopefully follow suit in time) that I have not felt in years. It's almost as though my mind is remembering who I once was. I can hear my sister's voice in my head as she says, "I told you so." And, yes, she did tell me I would feel ever so much better. :) I haven't read; I have been naughty and watched a lot of HGTV, so while I'm brimming with creativity for my home, I don't have anything to blog about...sorry. The good news is that I've had about all I can take of the TV and will be reading soon. I hope to get a lot read as I still have 4 weeks off, so I'll be back to blogging soon. :)

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