Sleep sweetly in this quiet room
Oh thou, whoe’er thou art,
And let no mournful yesterdays
Disturb your peaceful heart.
Nor let tomorrow pierce thy rest
With dreams of coming ill:
Thy Maker is thy changeless friend,
His love surrounds thee still.
Forget thyself and all the world;
Put out each glaring light.
The stars are watching overhead.
Sleep sweetly, then. Goodnight.
~Victor Hugo
This lovely piece of poetry was framed on my Mum's wall when she was a little girl (70 years ago now). She read it every night to herself as she fell asleep, and always said it to me as a child when I was scared or worried. It always made me feel better somehow,
And now, my mum is very poorly in hospital and Im worried more than I have ever been in my life, it gives me the strength and the calmness to go to sleep so I am strong enough to face whatever tomorrow brings.
It is so beautiful, and so true and lovely to see it here.
David, Cambridge UK
I am sorry to learn that your mum is ill enough to be in hospital. I will pray for you both, and I am glad that seeing this poem again gives you comfort. God bless.
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