Thursday, May 25, 2006

One of the things that I love best about this time of year is that we can eat every meal on our patio, watching and listening to the birds. When we eat on the patio, our meals always seem more relaxed. Perhaps it is because it is away from the kitchen, and the dishes to be washed are not on my mind. Perhaps it is because there is no telephone, radio, or TV. Or, maybe it is simply because we are outdoors and it is reminiscent of a picnic from long ago. It is so much more relaxing than the atmosphere at a fast food establishment. It is a respite from our all too harried lives, running hither and yon to little avail, rather like reading before a blazing fire in winter. Sometimes, it's good to just be quiet... Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Very nice! I can see why you find it relaxing! :-)

Anonymous said...

What a pretty picture!

Kristen said...

That's so beautiful! :)