Thursday, May 26, 2005

Reducing Stress with Peaceful Living

 Posted by Hello

By Mrs. Stanley Sherman
May 23, 2005, 20:33

In these times, most people have more stress than they can handle. While we cannot always control the demands or stresses put upon us by others, there are ways to reduce the stress we put on ourselves. Here are a few things that might help:

Develop Orderliness: Feelings of anxiety and loss of control occur when the disorder reigns in your domain. Your house, front porch, and yard may need some sprucing up, and the only way to get it done is to work at it. If you lack motivation,


Anonymous said...

"Feelings of anxiety and loss of control occur when the disorder reigns in your domain" How true! Minimizing possessions, organizing,storing,rotating items and keeping things straight takes time...and then your stressed-out-friends who "run" ask "What do you do all the time in your house anyway? Peace and order in your home helps give peace to your heart which in turn prepares you for time to meditate on our true Peace.

CallaLilly said...

Isn't it strange that things we bought to appease us can cause stress in our lives later - especially if we have bought to many things to appease us. How much better if we had turned to Jesus at that the start. When my daughter wants to buy soveniers, I remind her that owning a piece of plastic will not make the experience more real.