Thursday, April 07, 2005

Don't Be Afraid

Posted by Hello
Yesterday my daughter and I went to help out an inner city reading center. It was a nervous time for my daughter as we have never done this before. When we arrived, the building was locked, so we decided to wait on the front porch. A school bus soon left several children 1/2 block away. Upon spotting us, several children ran home, only to be seen running back towards us, eager for stories. We all waited for 45 minutes for someone to unlock the building, but no one ever came. Was this time wasted? Certainly not! After a few minutes of waiting, the children (my daughter included) began playing an old fashioned game of Hide & Seek, complete with girlish giggles and squeals. It was a wonderful ice breaker, and now my daughter is eager to return to read to the children. Please don't let fear keep you from ministering to others. Who knows, maybe God has some fun in store for you as part of His wonderful blessings!

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